• クリエイターを探す
  • 案件の希望を入力
  • 条件のすり合わせ
  • 見積り提出
  • 制作指示
  • お支払い
  • 納品
  • クリエイター評価


満足度平均 good good good good good (5.0)

評価 提案力:5.0 コミュニケーション力:5.0 納品物の満足度:5.0 納期の正確さ:5.0 対応の早さ:5.0

累計受注件数 76件

月間MVP 2020年6月 月間MVP 2019年8月 月間MVP 2019年5月 週間MVP 2019年4月22日週

お気に入り 27人 5,173cpt cpt分布を見る


こちらの意図を汲んでいただき迅速で丁寧な作品をいただきました。 good good good good good (WEBサイト制作会社)

対応の速さ、きめ細かさ、仕事の出来上がり、どれをとっても完璧でした。細かい要望を隅々まで汲み取っていただけました。 丁寧なお仕事をありがとうございました。 good good good good good (その他(非公開))

こちらの要望にも迅速かつ丁寧に対応していただき、仕上がりも素晴らしく大満足です。 good good good good good (会社員)

Thank you for the character setting sheet and illustration! Working with Mugi is always a pleasure and I hope to support them again in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

丁寧な対応、そしてデザインセンスがない私にもわかるようにおすすめなどを教えていただき大変よい作品をいただくことができました。 この度は本当にありがとうございました。また機会があればぜひお頼みしたいです good good good good good (システムエンジニア・プログラマ)

今回二度目のお付き合いとなりますが、丁寧な対応かつ素晴らしい作品をいただけ感謝しております good good good good good (システムエンジニア・プログラマ)

大変素晴らしい対応と、作品をいただけました good good good good good (システムエンジニア・プログラマ)

とても迅速に返信を頂けたり、ご多忙の中イラストを 描いて下さったのはとても嬉しかったです。 次、イラスト制作をお願いするときは、 参考資料を多めに用意したいと思います。   素敵なイラストを描いて下さり、有難うございました。 good good good good good (作家・小説家)

Thank you so much for your work on these designs! Working with Mugi is always a pleasure. In the proposal stage, I received several designs that I could chose from. The chosen design was refined before coloring. Mugi is a great communicator and replied almost instantly to every message. I'm always blown away by their quality of work and will continue to support them in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

 仕事の進め方、納期とも契約期日よりとても早く仕上げていただきありがとうございます。メッセージのやり取りも文面が丁寧で気持ちよく意思疎通が出来ました。 good good good good good (会社員)

good good good good good (ゲームクリエイター)

Mugi is amazing! I don't know Japanese, but the built in translator worked well enough for both of us! Mugi is friendly and prompt with her work. Thanks again for everything! 😄 good good good good good (会社経営・起業家)

good good good good good (デザイン)

Thank you so much for this illustration! Mugi has already done so much illustration work for my game project and I think this is my favorite piece! The proposal process went smoothly as always. Communication was always constant and replies were often instant. The illustration was delivered ahead of schedule. The quality of Mugi's work always blows me away and I will continue to work with them on similar illustrations in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Thank you so much! The design came out super cute. Mugi delivered way ahead of the deadline. I will continue to commission Mugi in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

期間の短い中、迅速丁寧にご対応いただきました。 作成いただいたイラストも綺麗で満足しております。 good good good good good (その他)

Thank you for the fast redesign! As always, the proposal process was simple, communication was great, and the quality of work was amazing. I opened the job today and didn't expect to get the completed design until the weekend but Mugi was able to finish it in a few hours. Overall, very impressed and will continue to work with Mugi in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Thank you for the beautiful designs! As always, the proposal process was fast and easy and communication was great. The designs were delivered ahead of schedule. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

After trying to work on this design on my own, I turned to Mugi to see if she would be able to give me a few ideas on how to proceed. What took my team weeks of attempts took Mugi less than a day to complete. Because she had worked on this character before, the proposal process was very easy. After the design was finished, I asked for additional references. I thought it would take several days to a week but because we stayed in constant communication, the job was completed in a day. As always, thank you for the amazing design! good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

As always, thank you for the beautiful design! This particular character was a lot more complex than some of the others I have commissioned but Mugi went above and beyond my expectations. The proposal process was very easy, communication was constant, and I never had to wait long for a response. I will continue working with Mugi in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

進捗を随時お知らせいただき、安心してやり取りさせていただくことができました。 また機会がございましたらよろしくお願いいたします。 good good good good good (作家・小説家)

Mugi, thank you for these designs! There were a lot (over 30 total) but Mugi was somehow able to complete all of them within a week, way ahead of schedule. The proposal process was easy and when additional designs were needed, she was willing to work through the same job room. I will continue to work with her in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Mugi, thank you for the cute cat designs! I was a little unsure of what I wanted but Mugi presented several proposals to help give me an idea of how to proceed. As always, communication and response time was great and I am very pleased with the quality of work I received. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Thank you so much for the beautiful illustrations! The proposal was a lot more detailed than last time but Mugi was able to complete it without any difficulties. Communication was great as ways and the quality of her work is second to none. The illustrations were completed before the deadline and responses were almost immediate. I will continue to work with Mugi in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

素敵な絵を描きました。ご返信はいつも早くて、とても丁寧です。私は日本語があまり上手じゃないですが、疎通よくできました。またイラストが要ったら、きっとむぎさんを考えます。 good good good good good (ゲームクリエイター)

Mugi's dragon illustrations always look great. I was very surprised by how detailed the design is. As always, communication was very prompt and the quality of work was superb. Thank you for the amazing design! good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Mugi's character designs are amazing. She takes great care when confirming the details of the project prior to starting. She updated me on every step of the design process and finished before the final deadline. I am very satisfied with the quality of work and will continue working with her. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Mugi, thank you so much! I was originally working with another artist who set the project back several weeks but Mugi was able to take their work and complete it ahead of schedule. She followed technical instructions from the programming team so well that nothing in the code had to be changed when the old illustration was swapped out for hers. The updated color pattern is a perfect match for the rest of the game. I look forward to working with her on more coloring projects. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Mugi continues to be a pleasure to work with. Updates are very frequent and I never have to wait long for a response. I will continue to work with her in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Once again, Mugi delivered an outstanding illustration. The project was completed about a week before the projected deadline and communication was constant. I was very impressed with the quality of work and I will continue to work with her in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

Mugi is very hardworking and a pleasure to work with. I was afraid that because I cannot write in Japanese very well there would be many miscommunications but Mugi has gone above and beyond what I expected in every way possible. In fact, despite my broken Japanese, there were no communication issues at all. I received daily updates without asking and was prompted for input on every stage of the illustration. Mugi seemed to take my time zone into consideration and never contacted me when it was too late or too early in the day. When I asked for a sketch, I did not expect to get three unique hand-drawn sketches as well as over five color-schemes when it came time for the image to be colored. I was completely blown away by the finished product and will continue to seek their artistic expertise in the future. good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

いろいろな相談や要望にも応じてくださり、ありがとうございました。こまめな返信があったため、安心して取り組むことができました。細かな修正依頼にもご対応くださったことに感謝申し上げます。 様々な案件に携わってきましたが、中でもMugi様のアイデア力はすばらしく最高レベルだと評価しております。大変満足のいく表紙となりました。小説を盛りあげてくれる画をありがとうございました。これからもお身体にお気をつけて、ご活躍をお祈りいたしております。 good good good good good (その他)

素晴らしいペン画の数々をありがとうございました。発想力や繊細なペンの表現力はすばらしく、見る人を惹きつける魅力があると思います。 こちらの細かい要望やリクエストにも丁寧に応じていただけたこと、大変満足しております。また、スケジュール調整なども柔軟に応じてくださりありがとうございました。 このイラストを活かすためにも、よりいっそう執筆を頑張りたいという創作意欲が沸きました。 原稿の完成は年明けが予想されるのですが、引き続きMugi様に案件をお願いしたいと思っております(オムニバス完結編のイラストになります)。またその際はお世話になります。 good good good good good (会社員)

非常に対応が良く、クオリティーもこちらが求めているもの以上で仕上げてくださり、懇切丁寧に前もって作業の流れ等を提案してもらえるのでとても仕事しやすかったです。 good good good good good (ゲーム開発)

こちら不慣れ且つ曖昧な依頼にも丁寧に対応していただきました。 また、細かな修正も素早く対応していただきました。 作業の工程等もご提示いただけたので全体の進捗がわかりやすく助かりました。 また機会がありましたら依頼させていただきと思いました。 good good good good good (個人事業主・自営業)




料金:非公開 完了日:2021.08.02 期間:7日







料金:非公開 完了日:24.Jun.2020 期間:8日

クライアント:Ka Moa Media LLC様(ゲーム開発)様




料金:非公開 完了日:2020.06.16 期間:10日





料金:非公開 完了日:29.Mar.2020 期間:14日

クライアント:Ka Moa Media LLC様(ゲーム開発)様




料金:非公開 完了日:10.Oct.2019 期間:6日

クライアント:Ka Moa Media LLC様(ゲーム開発)様




料金:非公開 完了日:04.Oct.2019 期間:3日

クライアント:Ka Moa Media LLC様(ゲーム開発)様




料金:非公開 完了日:2019.09.28 期間:32日





料金:非公開 完了日:18.Jun.2019 期間:1日





料金:非公開 完了日:08.Jun.2019 期間:2日





料金:非公開 完了日:06.Jun.2019 期間:10日



Character Concept Art and Model Sheet for Video Game

Character Concept Art and Model Sheet for Video Game

料金:非公開 完了日:19.May.2019 期間:11日





料金:非公開 完了日:18.May.2019 期間:4日





料金:非公開 完了日:21.Apr.2019 期間:9日





料金:非公開 完了日:11.Apr.2019 期間:15日



Visual Novel Character Illustration #2

Visual Novel Character Illustration #2

料金:非公開 完了日:10.Mar.2019 期間:3日



Visual Novel Character Illustration

Visual Novel Character Illustration

料金:非公開 完了日:06.Mar.2019 期間:6日





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