Project Detail

Songam Temple history


JPY15,000 (Tax Included)


42 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Cartoon production




Kuroki kuonjiJp

Non-Public (Individual)



Offered Projects:7

Flow of the project
Medium__l____1 Medium__l____2-3 Medium__l____4-5 Medium__l____6-7 Medium__l____8-9
Proposed name (cartoon rough draft) in the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Medium__ Medium__ Medium___ Medium__p Medium___
Further hearings and deliver data in a specified format * Delivery in 9 P, and introducing only 5 P will be.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
With quick and sympathetic response and very high, we are happy. You have a chance please thank you again.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail


JPY15,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



42 days

Job Category

Cartoon production

Required Data

Usage of
the Cartoon

Reference Material

Article summarizes the history of photography, Temple

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Detail

Want to create cartoons for clarity and the history of the temple. Self-Bou died many of you in this East Japan earthquake. Budgets don't have to tell future generations come and cooperate.

Message to
the Creator

Take care.

From family meetings or Buddhist parishioner says his teacher's style was popular so come let me consult. History of the temple-the founding story, Chief retainer of the date became believer story, disaster story.
 To click on the chronology of the history of the temple, believes could create a 5-10 page, click on the description of the Soto sect is?? Would appreciate teaching things like this first time, I don't know that there are many is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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