Project Detail

Create a courier for food and beverage shop menu flyer (photos included)


JPY84,000 (Tax Included)


40 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Food and beverage stores menu


Udon Office Takamine(Noodle shop)Jp


clip design office clip design OfficeJp
Currently No Available...
Flow of the project
Medium_32893 Medium_32894
Log data and menu wording, product images and other resources for passing in the meeting room, in the original cover design 2 draft proposed hearing in the case notes and meeting room. With A feeling of luxury expressed in B familiarity and ease of use.
Medium_32895 Medium_32896
Adopt A Bill, proposed back cover with slight modifications.
Medium_32897 Medium_32898
Fit the front and back cover design proposed in terms of design.
Seasonal menu design.
Medium_32900 Medium_32901 Medium_32902 Medium_32903
Modified several times after delivery for print data.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
Designer's and of carrying interact smoothly, we are very pleased.
評価 提案力: コミュニケーション力: 納品物の満足度: 納期の正確さ: 対応の早さ:
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
I like this site is the system very easy for those that are looking for a designer.
Project Detail


JPY84,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



40 days

Job Category

Food and beverage stores menu

Project Detail

Introduction to a limited menu and menu listings is winter time, but ask price changes so little out of luxury design. Menu is all because our home delivery specialist. Easy ordering easier, thank you design 1990 purchase.

Required Data

2 proposal submitted in the rough so that possible?

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Background

Target audience is 30 to 40-year-old's family

Your Product/Servise

Us is a specialized courier noodle Bowl. We want to provision of material incorporating things of that nature as a health-conscious diet. Has been trained in the shop was the brainchild tonkatsu region in addition to the traditional udon and donburi menus, differentiation and other stores in Yokohama burning in the kiln. It is going to expand the menu on kiln baked pork cutlet on rice.


It embarrasses it because some elderly people too small font size.

Size, Format

Thank you delivered in Illustrator

Message to
the Creator

Can the price negotiations, etc.? Tentatively listed the delivery deadline is early on we want consultation is not inevitable.
Currently No Available...
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