Project Detail

Newspaper advertising inserts for wood-burning stoves shop newly opened (online promotion)


JPY65,000 (Tax Included)


14 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Flyers and leaflets
Flow of the project
Medium_47788 Medium_47789 Medium_47790
Proposed design to the original hearing in the case notes, meeting room
Medium_47791 Medium_47792
Delivery for print data went through a couple of fixes
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
To meet essentially satisfied with quote: better of the proposed force. Selfish here also feel for the work went smoothly.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:4 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:4
About Skillots
Satisfied good good good good good
I think that was used for the first time use instructions little be clarity is much better.
That would be easier since the second I. Registered designers I the was surprised at the speed of responses!
Project Detail


JPY65,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



14 days

Job Category

Flyers and leaflets

Project Detail

Want to ask B4-size flyer promotion associated with the new opening of DUTCHWEST manufactured wood burning stove Shoppe for newspaper advertising leaflets design. Envision combines the image of healing of the wood-burning stove and the company's credit rating. Allows image photo and company logo. Here consider the catch copy, even our ideas freely is fine.

Required Data

Newspaper advertising insert flyer design 2-3 proposal, plan 1 delivery

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Background

Your Product/Servise


Size, Format

Message to
the Creator

Take care.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
When asked to Nakagawa, would create what we proposed as much as possible, I would like and our response has drawbacks, among the suggestions so appreciated. "So if many detailed image processing and its units will swell as we squeezed budget-, ' and to descriptions of individual products in the back, but only in the number of individual product images of over 20 points may. I think we simply include the image of the other and become quite a few images. In that case, would end up hanging over the cost and initial budget from ask themselves in inaccessible. How do you think that?
Also caught both price and given charge and would you like? Sorry at this busy, please reply. ( about product image is on the page of our site in the wood-burning stove. ) is over.
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