Illustrations for business articles
Completed Date
Job Category
An illustration
Illustrations to be published in "What is necessary for small shops now, then, and in the future ...
Offered Projects:17
Flow of the project
Propose a design proposal based on the content of the project and hearings in the project room
Further hearing and delivery of data in specified format
About The Creator
Thank you for creating such a wonderful work. Again, the best thing to do is ask a professional.
Project Detail
Completed Date
Job Category
An illustration
Copyright Terms
Copyright belongs to the artist and the Client is permitted to use the Deliverables
Use-by date:not specified
Use for:not specified
Project Detail
Thank you for your help. In the article posted on note, the designer created the following image. Please create an illustration to be placed in the image. There are 4 images. I had the designer draw the rough. Color please. About usage scenes ・We are planning to post on the web and print. Also, the illustration may be used for another image (or by itself) (I will do so if it is necessary to confirm in advance and pay an extra fee). If you have any questions, please ask. Thank you very much.