Project Detail

Request to create a water cowman




61 days

Completed Date


Job Category



Individual(Other Occupation)Jp


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Using Report
Flow of the project
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I was asked to create a Wotakaman who will be a companion to the Wotakaman created in the previous request (for details, see the achievement article of "Design for making emblems in the workplace") and to create a poster using Wotakaman and Wotakaman. I did. First, I designed the Wotaka Man based on the Wotaka Man design. The first proposal was presented to the client, opinions were exchanged from there, and the final draft was designed after the second proposal. In addition, the Wotakaman has been remade with some design changes and life changes to match the final draft of the Wotakaman.
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When the character design was finalized, I started making posters. This also presented a rough sketch to the client, and while exchanging opinions, fine-tuned the composition and decided ⇒ Created a poster illustration ⇒ Completed. The client of this project will respond politely to these detailed inquiries and give their opinions, so I can work without hesitation. I appreciate it very much. After all, if the client is actively and actively involved in the project, it will be rewarding and motivated to create better deliverables. I was able to finish the delivery happily and enthusiastically this time as well.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
I am impressed that you respond appropriately while checking each other's works to be created ^ ^ I am sorry that you are creating high quality works at a low price (● ´ω ` ●) )
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Very good ^ o ^
Project Detail



Completed Date



61 days

Job Category


Project Detail

● Purpose / Overview of creating characters: Anniversary and family association posters and stickers ● Delivery file specifications: File format: jpg .png format Size / specifications: A3 size Score: 1 ● Materials that can be provided: Attached materials ● Comments to other creators: Wings are closed version, please give me a poster and a poster ^ o ^

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client
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