Project Detail

Game 用立ち paintings


JPY15,000 (Tax Included)


71 days

Completed Date


Job Category

MOE anime
Flow of the project
Medium_001 Medium_002 Medium_003
Proposed rough draft to the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Medium_004 Medium_005 Medium_006 Medium_007 Medium_008
Delivery data can change facial expressions and poses, outfits, further hearing
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
We have finished the works great and really appreciate it. We have responded to the thought of here, drawn by character feels even better. I would come again next time works, please if you can.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
I think a great service.
Project Detail


JPY15,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



71 days

Job Category

MOE anime

Required Data

Photshop/SAI data

Usage of
the Illustration

Standing picture for the game

Copyright Terms

Copyright belongs to the artist and the Client is permitted to use the Deliverables
Use-by date:not specified
Use for:かこがわ工房の製作するアプリ及びWEB上での利用

Project Detail

■ request contents Please create Web games for Android and Tachie and differential layer.

For 'Maria-SAMA GA miteru' 'Sachiko', 'summer storm' heroine 'storm' or ' Twilight maiden x amnesia ' of ripe old schoolgirl heroine "Yuko" and sister ' of ' original--core dumping PC wallpaper ' of I hope represent the image as a keynote.
[Making of]

Image size: 960 × 1600
 Picture stand:

Full nude body
 Clothes layer:

3 type school uniform, maid outfit, underwear clothes
 Facial expression layer:

5 type expressionless, joy, mad, sympathy and fun facial expressions
 Hair layer ( bangs layer, after layer ):

2 type straight long, wavy long hairstyle

Message to
the Creator

I would like ask in personal game production, and to make this game for standing pictures. I don't know can you please where this budget because, for the first time to request a piece.

It is fine we refuse, it could have totally different prices for that. So let's consider enough, thank you.
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