Project Detail

Illustration of the R18 dvdrip audio work for men





Completed Date


Job Category

Illustration MoE and MoE anime


These illustrations were for men all ages + R18 voice work for. This is a cute lolita girls.


Dung caughtJp
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Using Report
Flow of the project
Medium_1 Medium____
Hearings in the case notes, project room presents design proposal based on
Further hearings and deliver the data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
If you ask for one if you come back at 100.
We have cute anime did not even imagine.
In the most detailed and polite.
Also correspond to the bedding was comfortable. Nothing goes right for him if it would draw Lori CARRA is?

I feel the charm will make you feel.
I think in the future if possible please.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Always take care....
Like me you can provide such services in personal or weak mind may I ask.
We are very grateful.
Project Detail



Completed Date




Job Category

Illustration MoE and MoE anime

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client(The Artist will NOT exercise her/his moral rights)

Project Detail

-To create the illustration purpose / description:

Looking for illustrations used to package illustrations of R18 aimed at men dvdrip audio works (DL/CD sales, etc.).
Also, please ask us diplomat is "Lolita of God".
Children is apparent, but inside is thousands of years old a little tsun dere a crybaby is God.
Kimono costumes.

Just one kimono, absolute space looks invisible feel appreciated.
 -Output file specification:
 File format: If the paint is a PSD (PhotoShop)
 Specification and size: 2048 X 1536 (2 x 1024 X 768)

Number of points: 1 point
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