Project Detail

Data from Illustrator or Photoshop




3 days

Completed Date


Job Category





Watanabe Baku peopleJp
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Using Report
Flow of the project
Hearings in the case notes, project room, proposed design proposal
Further hearings and deliver the data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
I received made the illustrations this time, thank you very much. With the superb quality illustrations very helpful. Our perfectly captures the detailed attention here, and we are grateful.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail



Completed Date



3 days

Job Category


Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Detail

♦ ♦ ♦ Overview

Please create a illustration 1 point to print on t-shirts, etc.
♦ ♦ ♦ specifically a request
Please create the illustration's wish to visit the reference file is thus the numbers portrayed views.
It is figures want to thank 29, number of views, urban winter landscape depicted.
Specifically, illuminations, snow, Christmas winter scenes within the framework of the numbers expresses would want to think.
Spectacle spread though out the window-like depictions are except from very limited space between the number "29" that it would be looking at.
Please can depict space is small, but in exactly the fine urban winter doing that work.
Funt outline figures or numbers of paintings touch etc, reference file like popped, thank you. Original size is 20 cm × 25 cm, we will.

Illustrations following delivery file format please submitted in Illustrator or Photoshop help.
♦ ♦ ♦ use of applications

Not to sell, and will be used only in the family business.
♦ ♦ ♦ focus on the point and selection criteria

Who specializes in illustrations touch, such as help files, talent work together within the framework of special limited landscape depiction, holders, please see (those capable of filing with the appropriate data format) to minimum in Illustrator or Photoshop actions.
♦ ♦ ♦ delivery file formats

To create a data please (will ask corrections if you have problem in data form submitted) according to the following matters.

-For Adobe Illustrator
Extension: eps, ai

Until CS5 so above this version if you are using when you save CS5 version below select.

[Letter] Characters, please outline processing.
To outlining it and make sure all the characters.

[Image] Please put the image.
Please embed all images become available.

[Color mode]

Color must be in CMYK.

-For Adobe Photoshop;
Extensions: psd

Until CS5 so above this version if you are using when you save CS5 version below select.

[Letter] Please rasterize characters.
Rasterize the all characters must be.

Resolution (600 dpi preferred) 300, prepared in full scale.

[Color mode]

Color must be in CMYK.

* If data have been divided into layers in the data integration layer (image) please.
♦ ♦ ♦ intellectual property rights on the According to terms of Skillots treatment of the proposed Copyright (property rights) was elected, please transfer customer.

Please note that proposals prior to confirm that if the use of materials such as fonts and images can be used in applications of the above to ataranu to violate the intellectual property rights of any third party.
♦ ♦ ♦ miscellaneous notes and considerations
If you have questions, in the question or message features, do not hesitate to ask us.
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