Project Detail

Cat illustrations (for Android game)




2 day

Completed Date


Job Category



Just don't.Jp
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Using Report
Flow of the project
Medium________ Medium_______________
Proposed design to the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Proposed, per a motion by 4 pattern thinking.
Cat design together proposed estimates submission at first
A week in the rough sketch Also suggested a few things changed the details in the new.
Further hearings and deliver data in a specified format because it was delivered in the PSD layer group each character and has been delivered.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
-To disseminate reminds father presents various sketches, we didn't notice the part, I was really.
-Double checking before embarking, on communication skills are very pleased.
-Providing 100% image as illustration. And early response. Us express a specific schedule each time, with confidence and dealings.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
-Whole sentences are polite, nicer.
Was a pleasant transaction. -Felt enthusiasm for your job, loving from the meeting.
It is more credible. Can I see good work and was impressed.
Project Detail



Completed Date



2 day

Job Category


Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client(The Artist will NOT exercise her/his moral rights)

Project Detail

Just don't like.
Thank you for uploading of reference works. It is a great talent and can draw instantly just this wonderful illustrations.

The respected.

Who estimates vary, please order officially.

Last delivery date is only approximate, so accordingly we consult would be appreciated and honored.
There might be for the ordering for the first time, the shortcomings

Thank you kindly.

Iyama tatsunori
-Purpose of creating illustrations:

Android please anime game for cats.
A Ninja in the reference file, has drawn six illustrations

Please change to a cat.
We produced illustrations within the program 145 × 135 px x and divide into 6 pieces, so the animated flip book with

When the nosepiece place settings please.

Feels loose, a smiling cat ("very hard CAT" of like image) would like.
Contents illustrations from above
1: Dan when you went from box to jump cat.
2 ~ 3: used to animate cat walk, alternating loops.
4 ~ 5: alternating loops, while the neck grab is floundering, and lift the cat animation.

6: Cat: claws, while slurping and descend from the cardboard box.
 ● delivery file specifications:
 File format:PSD
 Specification and size: 145 x 810 px

Score: 1
-Allowance material:
Reference file are as follows.
[main_cat.png] file this time, from Ninja want to request changes to cat. [game.png]

(Reference) in the game screen.
-And other comments to the creators:
Anything feel free to ask us questions.
We will thank you.
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