Project Detail

Situations CD jacket pictures (2)




6 days

Completed Date


Job Category

MOE illustration



Situations CD jacket picture


A toplistJp
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Flow of the project
Proposed design to the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Further hearings and deliver data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
We asked Halloween planning voice work jacket.
Instead I fear nothing because it was the second time that request had,
The second time and felt very
Book of guests is the design force.
From the little we book like that is to submit design proposals and is very attractive.
I can not draw those who can't even say 'Please Nice' and hard to feel.
Honna will have so much design power cause rough draft submitted the design and character of very early for the of and I think.
Also the book of an was surprised at the response force change the picture.
But after drew cool Prince, we have drawn a cute boy
Both ' book as a femininity "is, we politely GOOG. You do not say anything.

I think personality, aware, technology all got no complaints.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Thoughts about the service:
Is busy when I had requests
Polite, really appreciate.
It is very gentle.
Hon as a pattern to the met, was really good.
Not flattering, will want a request for advanced Illustrator as is.
Project Detail



Completed Date



6 days

Job Category

MOE illustration

Copyright Terms


Project Detail

-Purpose of creating illustrations: situations CD jacket picture
 ● delivery file specifications:
 File format :PNG.JPEG
 Specification and size: 560 x 420

Score: TBA
Selling in the Halloween planning
Is the situation CD jacket illustration request.

Please this is pop and cute!
Thank you for last time a nice illustration!

(See: our work)
Still thank you!
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