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One character (Single point of view) :JPY12,000

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Favorited:  104    3,023cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 55

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.96)

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Jp 日本語
Gb English (British)
Us English (US)


How do you do!
My name is midnight Sun Yu.
Is your impression is usually the clear comic series illustrations, cartoons, dot paintings depict the extent, touch etc. ) ( pop etc. can be changed.. Please feel free to contact us please!

Do my best, to lovingly.
To fill clearly primarily to high saturation in Photoshop, but if you wish use analog painting materials (watercolor, copic markers.) soft ones.

Teenage girls is best person I can but men and women all ages. * Adult and would ask us, BL. Rough is okay unless it too geeky.

  • Creator ID:991
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:19year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago




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  • ゲームの表紙に使用するイラスト


    Fee: JPY10,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 14.Oct.2015 Terms: 151日

    Client: Game Development

    [See more]

  • 【採用】結月ゆかり立ち絵製作依頼につきまして


    Fee: JPY10,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2015.09.08 Terms: 13日

    Client: 個人(Photographer)

    -Create character purpose / summary: (detailed)
    Tachie used gear live will be posted in YouTube nikoniko video production requests.
    Is personal use.

    I want to wound hero game series [gear] snake ...

    [See more]

  • 妹カフェポコスターフライヤーの修正依頼


    Fee: JPY3,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2011.12.12 Terms: 1日

    Client: 株式会社コスモメディア(妹カフェ)


    2、QRコードのアクセス先を http://pocostar.com/i/ に変更

    1、Poco名物オムライスLv.1~5 800円~1600円を
    Poco名物オムライス 800円 に変更

    [See more]

  • メイドカフェのイメージキャラクターとフライヤーデザインの製作


    Fee: JPY18,525 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.06.24 Terms: 11日

    Client: 株式会社コスモメディア(メイドカフェ)

    Production of the sister series onegai image character design and shop flyer design?

    We want to change the image character of the stores listed below.
    ポコスターレベルワン http://www.pocostar.com/

    [See more]

  • メイドカフェのイメージキャラクター


    Fee: JPY20,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.05.27 Terms: 8日

    Client: 株式会社コスモメディア(飲食店)

    Thank you image character design of the maids working in the maid Cafe.
    I'll leave, including costumes and color images.

    [See more]

  • サイト「コミックサークル」のヘッダに使用する画像


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 08.12.04 Terms: 14日

    Client: ファーストデザイン事務局(WEBさいと運営)

    Like to create a picture in the header part of the newly opened us the comic circle ( http://www.comic-circle.com/ ).
    Feel free to draw a image along the content of the following pages, you want to dr...

    [See more]

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Fantasy / comic / girls / MoE / pop / clear / Gothic / Lolita /SD


2005-: In the content production orders, etc. ( トミーウォーカー ) making illustrations, cartoons, etc.

201201-: Social game conditions of the Goblin painted participation
201112: ITA [dvdrip] ワルカード game 'ワルナク' illustrations participation
201106: Maid Cafe 'frontier', Poco ★ Lv.1 image character illustrations & flyer design 201101: (Shares) food Studio we see belly Jesse food!! "'

Physiological Jesse food ' UI design & every character design 201006-12.
Mobile game 'ドリームプロデューサー' SD character illustration 201007...team-flap-like PC games ' りんくす!
"Supporting illustrations 201004...

バクマツ ☆ (mobile app) restoration of territories illustrations & one of boss finishing
200907: Join online games in the project "100 BladeChronicle"
200906: PHP Institute like book Sengoku beautiful Princess picture book illustration 3 points
200903: 'Mammal' site & brochure illustrations, etc.
200810: PHP Research Institute, our book ELEMENT GIRLS illustrations 3-point 2006: Futabasha we see online games wow cheats!. What's manga!! "

Black and white comic writing Other activities in individuals who request illustrations and mobile content material produced 2 DCG, dot, etc..


Now especially need a consultation of
-Works for personal viewing purposes
-Extremely fast transactions.

And some comics, including many number ones

May be supported depending on the timing and content, so please feel free to consult.
Regardless of genre, drawing etc ) ( especially ladies, Gothic & Lolita fashion is love!
SF to build from scratch and precision machinery, real wind figures and portrait series is still unfamiliar with

Good luck on your understanding if you are, please let me drawn. Illustrations updated personal page of トミーウォーカー is the best. Please try looking it.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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