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Nice to meet you.

My name is Gottani-Field Office ticking pizza. In Japan and this is the 'Gottani-Field' under the name 'Gottani', ' simmer and put mixed with a variety of materials. It's also a itself.

"That is the meaning.

This name suggests, our Gottani-Field drew genre walls ' ゴッタ煮 ', orders category, we make content widely.

Cartoon produced and animated GIF, web banner creation, company logo creation and introduction for DTP create a flyers as to what orders are produced, also one simple website design etc also available on.

Other than these if you have requests like this or that combination stuff like this design is made, please inform us.

Are available upon request for adult content.
As far as possible clients like for like along the request, we will. Each category estimated estimated said only approximate, so will be fluctuating depending on the issue. ( Depending on what could be cheaper pretty.

Copyright does not give basically ask client travellers as long as none in particular the restriction of the use of the completed works.

Just click here copyright pending any client travellers works created for public use during the first client travellers seems limited at this stage to be posted on in the form of projects that used HP, and plan your personal applications. (↑ us permission, such as posting even when you reserve the copyright etc.


Also, please note that may be disclosed on the HP of the Prefecture, blog, pixiv. -Treatment of copyright and pricing will change to:.

(Porter price only somewhat below) ↓
  Low price (basic price is) 'creator reserves the copyright"
  "The creators reserve the copyright & creators clients ' not allowed to use non-"
Transfer copyright

High price ' transfer the copyright & moral rights hereunder, including '

If you have some many people want something, probably decorated in a flyer just characters more compelling characters and directing ' manga flyers ' of who in the eyes of many people, will be interested in.

Please contact us, if it in your eyes, like caught any one see my work first.

This Gottani-Field Government ever-changing pizza do my best. Thank you in advance.

Creator ID:9189





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY45,000


There are no works.


6Favorited:   696cpt(1215Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:7  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Manga cartoon creation DTP leaflet produced GIF animation production MAP production


CM picture Conte writers as half a year, 1 year working experience as a DTP Designer.

Other Category(s)

Logo Design

Business Card/Shop Card




Jp 日本語


Cartoon illustrations DTP ad creation

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