Cover Image




8Favorited:   272cpt(3072Positions /23783People)
Projects Done:2  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good
評価 提案力:4.5 コミュニケーション力:5.0 納品物の満足度:5.0 納期の正確さ:5.0 対応の早さ:5.0


Fee: JPY8,000 (Tax Included)
Completed Date: :2013.11.12
Terms: :16日
Client: :IAGSプランニング(プランニング)
In another incident currently works for logo in the quote request.

Other drama CD to use for the same title comic going up and running next spring. Loose-not in the feel of it and with impact in fine...

Client's Reviews

Satisfaction: good good good good good (Part Time Employee)
Satisfaction: good good good good good 独創できてインパクトの有る、それでいて作品イメージにあうものと思っています。ありがとうございました。(プランニング)

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