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One character (Single point of view) :private

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Jp 日本語

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How do you do!
The name is a crab House
Work is approximately one year for self-employed character design experience.

Because there are many things to learn is borne growth day by day
Private image production is small, if you in your job opportunities if
So I would hope the message.
* Now you can design for the
[Who bust up]
[Picture stand]
-Face up
Only is. Thank you thank you!


Main use software: paint tool SAI, Photoshop
The reference image is here too please. PIXIV: http://pixiv.me/kinburi ( copyright paintings are mainly )

  • Creator ID:8037
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


CBL様( http://xaiosucbl.web.fc2.com/ )のコンセプトキャラクターを


CBL様( http://xaiosucbl.web.fc2.com/ )のメニューキャラクターをデザインさせていただきました。

CBL様( http://xaiosucbl.web.fc2.com/ )のキャラクターアイコンをデザインしました。

CBL様( http://xaiosucbl.web.fc2.com/ )の宣伝用イラストです。

Arrow_left_b /2 Arrow_right_b
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There are no project which is permited to show here.


Illustration bust up icon


Main character design of CBL (http://xaiosucbl.web.fc2.com/)

Individuals like redesign illustrations-2 points Redesign illustrations of the DMJapan (http://www.dm-japan.com/)

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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