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Jp 日本語


Thank you for reading.
My name is Sakuraba Masachika.
Draw illustrations.
Software that we use is AzPainter2 Neko Paint.
Digital illustration experience is about 6 years.
Is 3/2013 than PBW several companies in as an Illustrator registered company. Boy cartoons people is a style of painting, watercolor painting is a Basic.
Painting is available.
Hobby-related, often draw a person standing paintings and cartoons.
Some of the movement of a person or character design is also available.
Never draw too much about background + figures, illustrations for unfamiliar, but will let worked in if you ask us. For the illustrations are all self-taught.

  • Creator ID:6804
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:11year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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3/2012 サウンドタルト like "was I bite! "Illustrator business started by frontier works like three thousand world avatar, blue sky frontier.


We drew the cute but not too young girls aware.
CG series is available. Please contact for rates.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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