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One character (Single point of view) :JPY20,000

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Favorited:  54    624cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 10

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Jp 日本語



My name is Ozawa hiyori currently we work such as illustrations and original in the free.

At outsource seeking jobs PC games for original drawings and illustrations, illustrations and paintings.
◆ main past work history, original PC game, character design and cartoon book series book

Please contact us for the various uses for illustrations, PBW illustrations contracting business, such as * detailed work history.

◆ use soft, original:SAI, painted:photoshopCS5 appreciated newly written line drawings for the sample are also available so your inquiry please feel free to. Please thank you have a chance.

  • Creator ID:6682
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:22year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago




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  • 2次創作


    Fee: JPY40,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.11.07 Terms: 29日

    Client: 個人

    So as planned the following illustrations create a request we'd. Thank you in advance.

    [See more]

  • 二次創作の作成


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.10.09 Terms: 86日

    Client: 個人

    Want to ask the illustrations create a FanFic at?

    It seemed to me that those who can write great illustrations so we put out requests.

    To tell if the request would risk insuring there is not p...

    [See more]

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MOE girl


Career history

2013 / 3-Nexon-like 'マビノギソーシャル' game for illustration point 29 2013 / 3 Co., Ltd. in blue "Super destruction!

Barbarossa ' illustrations for games

2013 / 3 Co., Ltd. ブロンドラグーン-like social game illustration 2 set

With emotion how to draw / Makoto by 2013 / 2 five anime seibundo shinkosha publishing's / books

2012 / 8 Girl poses and gestures a good draw and Makoto seibundo shinkosha publishing, I / book 2012 / 7 vulnerability of girls, like 奏 munge unlimited talk / dreaming / illustration 2011 / 1 T shirt for illustration / EJ project I

2009 / 10 アダルトグッズ for illustrations
2009 / 7
PC game private Onsen Gakuen 3 HR -Elect in the chaimasu 3 P is not good?
-/Nail Sharp, and original 2009 / 1
PC game private Onsen Gakuen 2 HR -Bath in the chaimasu Rex, is not good?
-/Nail Sharp, and original 2008 / 8 released
Doujinshi game I don't know what was 20th Heart's / original 2008 / 7 released
PC game private hot spring school Sukumizu-water in the bath are no good come?
/Nail Mr. Sharp, character design / original 2008 / March release
Dojin game
  Love Desire 20th Heart's / original painted other than 2007 / 1 far PBW for illustrations create business contract Creating a personal use illustrations, etc.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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