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One character (Single point of view) :JPY20,000

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Jp 日本語


Comics and illustration, create an item until we work with ViaSat basically whatever feelings.

  • Creator ID:6168
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:13year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


ファンタジー 女性向け 

ファンタジー 女性 銃

かわいい ふんわり お嬢様

声優 男 SDキャラ

Arrow_left_b /2 Arrow_right_b
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There are no project which is permited to show here.


New year's cards creation ( created image processing, photo processing, template etc )
Manga assistants
Background in commercial paper, mainly mobile on finishing work and finishing work
CG media 4-Flash
     Bandai, carddas dress up dress up material items
3D seal model, items, etc.
Any emergency card illustrations
3 Made mobile for girls games dress up material, background, etc
Mobile male-friendly game カードゲームキャラ numerous illustrations
Main visual alarm app
Package illustration for male voice work (sales data)
Package illustration for female voice work (sales data)
Dokaben, copyright of mobile games colouring blue legend shoot, Avalon, kingdoms etc.
Dragon Ball Mobile card game item illustrations
Mobile slot game items, banner illustration
Mobile Monster breeding game character illustrations Many PC games colouring AIDS


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