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One character (Single point of view) :JPY15,000

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Favorited:  88    -725cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 6

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

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Jp 日本語



Please thank you.
And I had painted graphiccard, so also ask only tinted inquiry
( as a coloring guide 800 × 600 pixel backgrounds into one picture coloring work 3 days, reward 15000 ¥ ).
-Picture storybook-inspired, bishojo, thick paint the wind, watercolor style, etc. I think any cartoon style illustration but relatively broad?.

  • Creator ID:5398
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Animals, boys and girls


And standing in the Shining Force EXA at Sega Corporation picture coloring
And Kadokawa Shoten Fate/staynight komikaraizu Edition paperback for promotional materials, magazines for coloring pages coloring -Books for トミーウォーカー like background illustrations, game in the monster design, etc.


A measure of the number of working days to キャラデザインラフ 1-2 days, line drawings to 0. 5 Days, on one day retake or contact me on is 1 meter 3-4 days.

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