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Projects Done 26

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Jp 日本語


Is the Illustrator activity in twins. Illustrations can be made widely and illustration is central, such as watercolor or acrylic painting, digital painting, character design and 3D productions.

  • Creator ID:5270
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:15year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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Illustration, watercolor, acrylic painting, design, graffiti art, character design, solid objects


7 High school students international art exhibition (formerly national high school student art exhibition) Encouragement Award
No. 11 times high school student design sponsored award ガリレアレイノ award
12 / 20-12 / 26 ACTION exhibition: Aster Plaza city gallery exhibits
Volunteer participation in 1 H ' ADC installation, etc.
No. 3 times ZAO projects: Himiko ZAO participation is in Miyoshi, Hiroshima Prefecture
Group exhibition Line Hiroshima pacela 5F "SAMALO' exhibit
1 MIYAZIMA ART exhibition
Volume 1 キャラディグ: Tokyo Roppongi Roppongi Gallery entry
Takano bridges Art Festival: Hiroshima Takano bridges town installation, decoration, exhibition
Suzumiya Wataru exhibition: Hiroshima prefectural Hatsukaichi city Palace miyajimaguchi Anago meshi required for built-in Gallery of your presence
No. 4 times ZAO projects: Himiko ZAO participation is in Miyoshi, Hiroshima Prefecture
Merry Umbrella Project: Hiroshima atomic bomb Dome around volunteer
2 MIYAZIMA ART exhibition
New clear legacy: Hiroshima, former Japan Bank live paint participation
Indy gasket Hiromi fringe 2010: Hiroshima アリスガーデン participation
Love earth Love children PEACEFUL CHARITY SESSION: Hiroshima, former Japan Bank participation
エコポップアートフェスタ in five days, City: Hiroshima Prefecture, 5, City Executive Committee & exhibition
MERRY MY TREE: Hiroshima Prefecture tail road city representative staff participation
Suzumiya Wataru exhibition - two worlds drawn -: land required for Café M presence Hiroshima City
No picture picture book exhibition: Hiroshima, former Japan Bank of Hiroshima branch live paint participation
Aki-reviews: participated in human Academy Hiroshima school
Exhibition of 'prayer': Hiroshima Branch Office exhibition at Hiroshima, former Japan Bank
-Road - art exhibition: Hyogo Prefecture Awaji City Cultural Center citizen Gallery planning, execution, and listings

Art exhibition - みちくさ-: Hyogo Prefecture Awaji city Westin Hotel planning, execution, and listings

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