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Standard Fee

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY10,000

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Favorited:  390    35,890cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 600

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

Monthly MVP 2016-June Yearly MVP 2015 Monthly MVP 2015-October

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Jp 日本語



A manga series illustrated and are proud.
 Social game illustration
(Welcome incremental production and correction)
-Character design
CD jacket

Etc, we are seeking.
Amount estimated
Anime full body painting
4000 Yen
SD illustrations
3000 Yen
Twitter icon

1000 yen
Any individuals and companies. Thank you resume your interest.

  • Creator ID:4997
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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Co., Ltd. サウンドタルト operated PBW See et I bite!

Uniform design (2011.10)
* Order form *
Co., Ltd. トミーウォーカー operated PBW
"Silver rain", "end breaker'

Registration illustration master (2008.07-)
Co., frontier works operated PBW
Frontier of the blue sky

Registered Illustrator (2010.06 ~)
Cloud Gate, Inc.
Registered Illustrator (2011.04-)

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