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At first, viewing thank you!
Kuze Hiroshi Yuki (くぜゆうき) and offer the.

Dvdrip, commercial, and we accept your request, regardless of personal guests.
Paint if you are lovely, both men and women love!
[Women] young children-30 years old.
To the [male] children-about 25 years old.
If you draw the adults often aiming at the beautiful painting.
Draw the mostly normal in loli (Shota) wind, 'gag' drawn separately we are.

Likes to wear animal ears (rabbits, cats, dogs etc) in the options!
Use tool :COMIC ART CG illust 4 +
Create: RGB only.

File extensions: PSD, jpg, png, bmp

Thank you!
[Limited time]
Limited until the end of September, rates ' ¥ 15,000 ⇒ ¥ 10000 "to set.
* Please contact us for rates.

  • Creator ID:4993
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago





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Illustrations, MoE anime, the series, cute, for men, for women


* started 8/23/1996. * illustration specializing mainly in dvdrip in action.

Is still active.
[Request in those activities]
* doujinshi guest x lot (laughs)
* itasha car for illustrations create x 1

* colored illustrations * plenty (lol)

* activities not only in those activities.
[Creator activities] 6/2012: HP image character.


At first, viewing thank you!

Kuze Hiroshi Yuki (くぜゆうき) and offer the.
Cute and cool good systems, aiming at the beautiful series draw our ♪
Especially cute is good!
Also sexy is okay!

May get hooked, and just become a bigger breasts, so yes (laughs) breasts aim (lol)
Draw both men and women is OK, but me, 'baby' or 'old man' etc can not draw at all.

Basic background is not good, so we have is slightly processed, not missed background effort can not draw scenery etc.

Just in case, get wrote to thankyou & suffering!
For the general public, for men, for women, can draw the genre of adult (non-poetrys).
Feel free to consult with us. By all means contact us welcome!

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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