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10pages website design :JPY150,000

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Jp 日本語


Myself good at main draw the character design, character illustration, into PhotoshopCS3 by painting the Painter Ⅸ by utilizing a touch of watercolor paint and draw our line drawings in paint tool SAI. I can offer something and turned to me recently is painting in PhotoshopCS3 and high level.

  • Creator ID:4801
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:24year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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Watercolor illustration featuring


4/2001 Taiwan CG magazine publishing design house DPI (Design Publishing Internet) serialized in the magazine
2/2002 Series termination
Shop joined Kawasaki 6/2004 Yamada Denki TECC land
6/2005 Co., Ltd. Yamada Denki TECC land Kawasaki shop leaving
1/2006 Cooperative society, Osaka, travel industry association joined
2/2007 Cooperative, Osaka, travel industry association leave
MOE 12/2007 the seventh anniversary at the Chara and.com as trading post card
12/2007 Avatar design charge at leading illustration search site S Inc. ( dot painting
Left 7/2008
0/2008 9-Limited company I.G.O joined mobile phone wallpapers by including FLASH
6/2009 Left the company per co., I.G.O contract expiration

The freelance 7/2009
To the present

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