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Kawabata Aya

Kawabata Aya


Designers 4 years and currently works as a designer for advertising agencies.
Specialty is logo and graphics. We create design cool stuff from the cute, beautiful thing, its user-oriented and customer-oriented thought carefully.

Until the end, will be responsible for the thought responsible. So far client and together we tool suggestions, design suggestions, such as from the meeting.

Proposals to the meeting thinking until the layout-copy.

The main industry proven mobile phone industry world beauty industry field and food world Este sector world design actual logo, logo design graphic Web design tool shop pop Centerfold flyers sampling poster station upholstery poster.

I think one take a look at the together can leave feedback, hearts if they can. Thank you.

Creator ID:439





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Standard Price

One Logo Design :JPY15,000


There are no works.


1Favorited:   50cpt(10339Positions /23788People)
Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Logo design graphic 


So far client and together we tool suggestions, design suggestions, such as from the meeting.

Proposals to the meeting thinking until the layout-copy.
Main industry proven mobile phone industry beauty industry food and beverage industry Este industry
And the actual logo design logo design graphic Web design

Tool shop pop flyers flyers sampling poster station upholstery poster.

Liking the job-winning SOFTBANK Harajuku in the copy title and proposed content, poster orders

Vine, and I order shoes logo, logo design,

DoCoMo shops and I'm the DCMX appeal poster orders

au shop is, in SOFTBANK's monthly fliers and other campaign tools orders set
Such as

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Jp 日本語

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