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Filtrate ends

Filtrate ends


Is a freelance illustrator.

Mobile game and dojin game character design work in the main.
Real tones with more solid black comic style (can draw even deformed)
Images of sepia loose and relaxed.

Crisp line drawings, color look flashy and animated painting a pop image.
[Have a good picture]
Costume design, steampunk, 2.5 head ミニキャラクター as body, beast man and good.
Weapon design is weak.
You can receive is a simple mechanical design. MOE picture also is not main.
However, you can draw a combined picture of yourself hard MoE (girls with guns and uniforms, etc.).
Anime costume design is also possible, but can also actually crafted costume design.

Some knowledge of the apparel area.
[Use tool] Adobe IllustratorCS4, Adobe PhotoshopCS4

Creator ID:4000





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There are no works.


5Favorited:   266cpt(3124Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:6  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Steam punk SF Gothic contemporary Japanese so-called wonderswan character design


Social card games some illustrations
Social RPG part costume design
Hospitals in the distribution for flyer cover and illustrations
Dvdrip card illustrations
Dvdrip ゲームキャラクタ design, painting stand, some still illustrations
Figure skating, costume design
My cosplay costume design スポーツチームマスコット character design


Samples are only illustrations of women can draw men too. Work naughty (unleashed, cute, Galtieri system, elderly) are such pictures even no decline. Illustration of the BLGL is able to offer character only if the illustrations, such as anime couples and we cannot. We are sorry.

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Jp 日本語


Anime sepia minicar

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