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One page cartoon :JPY18,000

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Jp 日本語

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I am a housewife with children who draws advertising manga. In the past, I also worked on YouTube manga videos. I mainly draw manga for corporate product PR, service introductions, job recruitment, etc. Please feel free to contact us about any manga production work such as one-page flyer manga, four-panel manga, deformed manga, etc.! I am also good at listening to the details of what kind of manga is needed and creating it from a story. I work using CLIP STUDIO PAINT. I am serious about everything, and I aim to be quick in both communication and work! I am looking forward to work related to manga and illustrations.

  • Creator ID:30622
  • Gender:other
  • Age:0y.o.
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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Manga production including story creation


Please note that an additional fee may be charged for manga with many frames or details.

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