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design Aoyama

 design Aoyama


Thank you very much for seeing it. My name is design Aoyama. My main business is a nursery teacher at a nursery school. I would like to make use of the knowledge I have cultivated in dealing with parents so that I can make the most of my main business, and create cute, gentle, and easy-to-understand things like picture books that I met while interacting with many children who were close to my clients. And I would like to create a web design that can contribute to the sales of clients, so thank you.

Creator ID:29129





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

One 468×60pixel Flash banner :JPY1,500


There are no works.


0Favorited:   110cpt(6565Positions /23777People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


WEB design, various banners, LP production


Worked as a nursery school nursery teacher from the age of 53. At the age of 60, he met a freelance web design course sponsored by Manicle. Create LP using Photoshop, text editing and Peraichi.


Thank you very much for seeing it. My name is design Aoyama. I work as a nursery teacher during the day. WEB design that makes use of the cuteness, kindness, valuing the connection with people cultivated in the field, books loved by everyone from the picture books that I met in the field, etc. I would like to keep in mind the banner production. increase. Thank you.

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