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Standard Fee

One character (Single point of view) :JPY22,000

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Favorited:  7    186cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 3

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

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Jp 日本語


Nice to meet you.
"Night Castle Palm Rin" and my name is.

Please stop your eyes thank you!
Is often draw a girl will respond regardless of gender or age.
Your request regarding any corporation-dvdrip.

R-18 specify the response will be a prohibited depictions of bloodshed and brutality scenes.
Coterie magazine guest, cover, novel illustrations, character design, business card illustration

Game CG original colouring, flyer illustrations etc. Please feel free to consult first.

  • Creator ID:2809
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:15year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-



Arrow_left_b /5 Arrow_right_b
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  • カードゲームイラスト


    Fee: JPY60,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.04.23 Terms: 18日

    Client: 株式会社ポリメディア(制作)

    We are planning to produce a social game (card) based on the theme of Sengoku period. I wish you to draw illustrations like works on your profile page.
    Let me discuss with you about the number of illu...

    [See more]

Arrow_left_b 1/1 Arrow_right_b
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MOE illustration / pop illustrations,


2010. Illustrations of the September update [job history] Mobile Android games over 200 game original illustrations produced as continuity during major SNS avatar productions [ongoing] two companies registration-Illustrator [ongoing] Mobile landing summer daughter コンテスト 2009 image production [punishment] H21.08 moment move sponsored by General グランプリ H21.06 MoE until コンテスト ' 226: Princess ' ninth H21.03 oekaki JP sponsored by 'イメージキャラクターコンテスト' 14th H20.12 moment move sponsored by '  
Santa girl コンテスト 2008 "prize H20.10 oekaki JP hosted ハロウィンイラストコンテスト 2008 19 H20.10 oekaki JP sponsored 'fall イラストコンテスト' no. 16

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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