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Plain consulting

Plain consulting


A management consultant specializing in housing companies and construction companies. A consulting company specializing in housing and construction companies supports construction companies and builders around the country. Support for housing business strategy construction, marketing in general, direction and production. Rather than running cheaply, they are chosen at a reasonable price. Branding strategy to be selected by high quality customers and targets. We also support small and medium-sized construction companies that struggle to attract customers so that they can improve their positions to become the company of choice. We are helping to grow into a No. 1 custom-built housing company in the commercial area. Up to now, the president has one company to start up the company-more than 1 billion (40 buildings) medium-sized builders with a proven track record. I've always liked designing and moving hands, and I was also driven by business needs, and I accumulated client leaflets, media advertisement production, Web production direction, and developed skills and achievements specialized for homes and work shops. I have. Branding of clients such as "Who and how they are selected," "How to win the competition," and "What to provide as value." We will propose and support from the perspective of consulting.

Creator ID:26474





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Branding for construction companies and housing companies, tours for construction companies and housing companies Flyers, DMs, media advertisements, and web design


Housing sales, corporate sales, marketing at Zaibatsu house manufacturer 10 years history 2007-plus management (plus consulting for housing companies) 13 years experience as consultant 4.5 years) As a team, a total of 28 companies have consistently provided support specializing in regional construction firms. ・ From June 2020, Plain Consulting Brand strategy / growth strategy for regional construction shops / small builders WEB direction / advertising Production / Product development / Sales order operation Born in Shiga Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics


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