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One character (Single point of view) :JPY20,000

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Favorited:  40    1,078cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 21

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.78)

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Jp 日本語


First name alone, 小咲 ( Angeles,(seated) ).
Us to see the profile

Thank you very much.

Animals, cute system illustration anime comic illustration, book illustration, children and young people for various draw.
Stay tuned to suit as can be because my very best

Thank you.
■ Digital Painter IX/Photoshop7 ■ submission to PC capture analog watercolor illustrations.

  • Creator ID:2558
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:18year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a week




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Character illustrations and comic illustrations


Your work history
2012.6 Poplar Pocket paperback summer green teacher by vignettes on the feline a manga classroom 3
2012.6 NHK Internet communications stories
KOKORO direct teacher by Synapse-まるばつ Triangulum-twins pictures
2011.9 Poplar Pocket paperback summer green teacher by vignettes on the feline a manga classroom 2

2011.2 Poplar Pocket paperback summer green teacher by vignettes on the feline a manga class
Mobile Android games / portable material or Web material / cards / etc

In our work products.
-Recent awards
2012.5 General Commerce Institute design prize cards co., Ltd.
2012.4 Co., Ltd. prepress-Center new year's card contest
Creations 2011.11 Bank NEW YEAR CARD CREATIVE COMPETITION 2012 recruiting sales
2011.5 Co., Ltd. Aichi-sea-es cards contest winners
2011.4 Contest greeting co., Ltd. パピアプラッツ

Expression company prepress Center new year's card contest Honorable 2011.4 Inc
Illustrator registration Terronez OMC Corporation, co., Ltd トミーウォーカー


Stay tuned to suit as can be because my very best
Thank you.

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