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Jp 日本語

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In freelance illustration, cartoon making.
Mainly touch of MoE, boy cartoon series and are proud.
Cartoon ( boy cartoon-like battle and gag ), illustrations cut both received can be.

The Western wind touch is called the 'caricature' caricature is also good at.
Utilizing the gradient if analog color is copic fills the

If digital adds to the examinations of the effects of painting.
Experience the numerous orders produced as a caricature artist, so

I think that are familiar to the production orders. I would appreciate contact please feel free to have interest is.

  • Creator ID:2526
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:23year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-


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Boy cartoon series / MoE / battle / caricature


-1998 Until the present in video games, anime, etc. issued doujinshi (battle of comics mainly)

And until February 2001-2008, as caricature (Western style portrait pictures) Illustrator Sales Management Division worked 'stock company Central West' (currently, the caricature Japan co., Ltd.)
-3/2008 As a freelance illustrator welcome Board independence, magazine illustrations, wedding, etc. mainly produced

( order for now even as a commissioned artist and caricature Japan )
[Main media]

Bunkasha: ' h was married true story ' series vignettes

Japanese fashion magazines: ペンスペ No. 154 housewife masturbation white paper illustrations

(Award-winning) 2006 NCN world competitions and special judges (Mr M.Simon) award winner 2005 NCN Europe International Conference 3 prize of General (Best Overall Caricature category) and Best Color Caricature category # 3 * NCN = National Caricaturist Network: League of Nations the caricature list


We are aiming at the entertainer can enjoy more people than 'the artist' illustration and cartoon production. Thank you for your wishes.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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