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Logo Design

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Favorited:  17    899cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 14

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.67)

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Jp 日本語


It is an active designer of 17 years. Logo · flyer · business card · seal · poster etc. If it is related to the design of printed matter, I will make it with anything cheap! (We will do corrections as often as you like until free update.) We also do web design and coding. Feel free to call out! We will respond promptly!

  • Creator ID:19285
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within a month


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Advertisement design, post card design, business card design, logo design,


2000 Asahi Computer Vocational School graduation 2000 Yodogawa Craft Company Travel brochure In charge of design and production of DM etc. 2001 Next Door liquor flyer Major handbill super director in charge of design and production of DM posters etc. 2003 Fly with oil club dedicated contract Flyer DM Design and production of posters etc. 2006 Fine Next Photograph developed photograph collection design Flyer DM Poster Business card logo In charge of design and production of web page etc 2016 Om printing seal flyer DM poster Design of card logo etc. and s production Activities started as a freelance recipient in 2003

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