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On-Site Photo Shoot 1 hour :JPY28,000

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Jp 日本語

Other Category(s)


Photographers more than 20 years.
Has taking a variety of experience.
Client travellers would appreciate the ones want to make together.
Footwork will respond quickly and lightly.
Even after taking delivery at us we will respond.
Please feel free to contact us. We offer the best products.

  • Creator ID:17365
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:57y.o.
  • Career:30year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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People and Portrait Photography,Product Phot ography,Interior Photography,Landscape Photography,Food Photography,Fashion Photography,Event / School Photography,Wedding Photography,Interview Photography,Architecture Photography,Film Shooting


One large wedding photo studio Chief after independence
Solo exhibition, Color's hold on a regular basis (this 未開催 busy for a number of years)
Become a certified professional photographer, Fujifilm
From product photography in Studio Portrait shooting outdoors.
Japan and traveling across the country and has taken overseas several times a year.

Available service

Movie Outsite,Photo Studio,Photo Outsite

Studio Equipment

Small Photo Studio suitable for small product photography

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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