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Jp 日本語

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First name Kuriyama and much more.

I see, thank you.

When it comes to shooting, things to take photo and video shooting easy comprehensive can be.

Also if you have is the main work of our designers for the editing of photo retouching, album and book design and so on what can help you please feel free to contact.
Clients as of we want to shoot first to meet the possible demand.

Therefore, travellers can go finish work and communication in such meetings were firmly advance, in a good way above expectations and memories will be cordial effort any kind of work. Travel information is available nationwide. If you have a metropolitan area will travel free of charge.

If you are other than it will be half of the transportation charges. Best regards.

  • Creator ID:17362
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:36y.o.
  • Career:14year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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After learning at the art school at night after graduating from H22, design College, worked at the design office, designer & H25, turned freelance, working as a photographer.

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