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On-Site Photo Shoot 1 hour :JPY27,000

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Jp 日本語

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RapPort Studios is a rental Studio located in Shibuya Tokyo.
From photography to video, equipped with photographic equipment, such as cameras, lights, so readily available. Ideal for shooting photos for publication, workshops, etc.
Also offer video production, such as VIDEOS, product videos, product photography, wood photo shoot. Please contact viewing and hunting.

  • Creator ID:17130
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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There are no project which is permited to show here.


Product Phot ography,Interior Photography,People and Portrait Photography,Food Photography,Fashion Photography,Interview Photography,Wedding Photography,Commemorative Photo,Film Shooting


-By Kodansha as young magazine
-Treasure Island, ' "mini"
-Tokyo boys collection '
New Japan-drug like
-Uber Japan co., Ltd.
And like silver ash
Pioneer co., Ltd.
Men's tennis National Collegiate round Davis Cup
Various celebrities Various music videos

Available service

Movie Studio,Movie Outsite,Photo Studio,Photo Outsite

Studio Equipment

Medium Photo Studio suitable for product photography

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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