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Jp 日本語

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People taking a wide Center. Recently in DSLR movie musicians PV directing and cinematography, video work.

  • Creator ID:16805
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:-


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Born in Tokyo.
Intriguing Tokyo photo professional school graduates / photographer Kobayashi Akira under-graduate of josai University, Edinburgh Tokyo broadcasting system, daily broadcast programs advertising student at the.

Yamaguchi Kazuhiko photo Office established.
1977, 16 mm independent films, original Yoshio Kataoka "heartbreak I say et al. Starring SATO Tomohiko (back).
Making participation
In 1999, exhibited in the Advertising Photography Japan 2000
In 2000, The at the Heart of Japan In 2000, the Planet Earth and Human YES...
NO... the listings
2001 exhibition in planning in Hokkaido higashikawa Gallery
In 2002 the project exhibition at Tokyo International Forum
In 2004, New York gallery JUNO via "just in case" announcement

Other group exhibitions
Company Brochure Design
Company Brochure Collection
Company Brochure Collection3
Picture mandala 3
Japan Yearbook ad photo 2000
The Heart of Japan
New Photographers File vol.1

Amateras vol.11
Members (companies) Japan advertising photographers ' Association of Japan Advertising Photographers Association (APA)
(Companies) Japan Photographers Association of Japan Professional Photographers (JPS)

Japan needle hole photo Association of Japan Pinhole Photographic Society (JPPS)

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