Cover Image

Teru Moriwaki

Teru Moriwaki


Hi, nice to meet you! Please read thank you!
MORIWAKI ter of the creators name.

Mainly producing games and novels, CDS, illustrations and cover art, character creation, grog or social NETWORK accounts header images will be based mainly.

* Trend *
Primarily and mainly young men and women, less than a 10-year-old-up to 50-somethings we deal in a wide range.
And other monsters, animals, backgrounds, Mech (part of the body or decorative only), etc. also willing, will be undertaken.
Coloring is thick paint the wind, pencil paint, anime painting, watercolor style, black and white + color accent or you can choose from. * Mild injury and blood and skin exposure is possible, but we cannot be of extreme cruelty, sexual expression is.

Please be forewarned.

Doujin circles and companies, both for individuals, please make your reservation request we will.

Request master's best will continue to offer a piece of wish, so we can thank you!

And so many people are hoping that rim...+ 10/20 edited MORIWAKI ter

Creator ID:16251





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

One character (Single point of view) :JPY6,000


There are no works.


2Favorited:   143cpt(4883Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Original illustration, character design, illustrations, cover, CD jacket

Other Category(s)


Moe-style Illustration

Illustrations for Games

Disc Jacket


Jp 日本語

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