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One character (Single point of view) :JPY10,000

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Jp 日本語


Come work in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, illustrations and web design to the booklet, magazines, flyers, packages, business cards, cards and other small-items ), Flash video production.
About ☆ illustrations Paint illustrations cut also.
Monochrome illustrations cut is approximately 1 point 3,000 yen-, color 1 4,000 yen ~ ( request number and size may change depending on the complexity ) for web is possible to pass and adjust the JPG and PNG files. Familiar to people, solid, fun to draw things like attract.

In the handwritten and digital mixing trafficking is basically a digital data.
☆ design
I try to make something simple clarity, we pulled interesting to read.

Clear description of the goods and services draw illustrations, cartoons, so design easy, fun and provides picture is good. Writing the copy …
Clients like the is possible, even without writing and proposal here, catch copy or content of roughly, our initial proposal.

* Large amount of characters includes the charges presented, without big changes, such as the.

Know you have made, but I somehow want to like "But there is material company information and product information only.

Effective public relations and And so on...

Think you can meet various opinions ( ^ ^ )
☆ print information: With printing company, so we leave it until the final delivery is okay. In offset printing, rotogravure, rotogravure voluminous and are compatible with small number of copies in print on demand, etc.
Others, in cheap printed of the Internet, final finishing methods, such as how to print on the cheap even accommodate you.

* Suggested pricing excludes printing, print your publication work. Asking price would consult, such as budget standard prices assumes that. While such meetings and consultations, if they produced together!
Consider, please, please subscribe ( ^ ^ )

  • Creator ID:1549
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:24year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago






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  • HPへの漫画ページ制作


    Fee: JPY60,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.02.17 Terms: 28日

    Client: CSS(自動車整備業)

    Our car body coatings specialty stores.
    Is a construction, not sales shop.
    HP is making yourself at home page Builder.
    It would want to incorporate cartoon.
    That is a rough story and Word
    There i...

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  • 買取店用チラシ漫画


    Fee: JPY20,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.01.17 Terms: 55日

    Client: 買取及び小売

    Anything used in assessment office that you store flyers in comic scenes
    You want to ask. In a simple scenario, what comics you want (the story) are thinking. Character set suggestions we want to. It ...

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  • 口臭予防歯磨き粉「美息美人」


    Fee: JPY30,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.11.07 Terms: 47日

    Client: 上林歯研究所(歯磨き粉メーカー)

    It is preventive toothpaste bad breath "beautiful breath beauty product flyer. For details, HP(http://biikibizin.pu.shopserve.jp/. ) Please visit. I want put out the sense of selling as the image of t...

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  • 住宅塗り替え(リフォーム)


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.03.16 Terms: 15日

    Client: 有限会社リ・ペイント(住宅リフォーム)

    In newspaper inserts, contact your flyer as want. Design message to grab the customer's mind.

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  • B4販促チラシのデザイン


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  • Web用販促マンガ


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.05.30 Terms: 42日

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    http://syukumoukyousei-shampoo.com/ curly hair straightening shampoo.com site promotion for manga

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  • リラクゼーションサロンの販促チラシ


    Fee: JPY40,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.04.28 Terms: 72日

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    You want to create our promotional PR flyer in A5 size. Already have logos, and map data. Photo taken by a digital camera. I'd cherish and eye catching design and cleanliness. A radically new approach...

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  • チラシデザイン(新聞折込用)


    Fee: JPY58,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.04.27 Terms: 9日

    Client: パソコン屋ふたば(パソコン出張サポート)

    I hope create fliers for cultivating new customers.
    In full color table is back in black and white, thank you. Design, title, layout, etc., but the target mature so in extra illustrations. By the way ...

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Explain the interesting cuts, pop-up to real systems variously engaged (cosmetics, gadgets, machinery etc) illustrations, comic touch signboard crosschecking design and WEB production.


■ printing data management at the printing company, deeds, such as design, web production, after leaving the company free to.
■ EST new generation exhibition and honorable mention
■ illustration magazine choice and semi the winner
■ 2002 オンデマンドア Awards
■ free paper 'f-dex' editing, production,
(Is the free paper's cover designer interviews, special printing, design, manga, illustration)
■ web comics, Iris pet flush in the com series ■ illustrations: recruit 'mansions', L25, Nikkei BP ' adult rock! "" Nikkei entertainment!
', tsutaya music magazine 'VA' diamond 'Thailand how to walk"around fan club newsletter, TOSHIBA EMI, Yoshimoto ∞, as Susumu seminar


Data can be trafficked in data suitable for projects, such as for print and for the web.
Also available in classic machines (ai, eps, jpg etc), data exchange is possible.
Can also design typesetting (Illustrator, In Design) because the illustrations and fit magazine making you even consult. Method of submission is basically data on our servers, we downloaded.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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