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SEIKO SOGAWA St.child in cool river

SEIKO SOGAWA  St.child in cool river


All the work in the Studio, such as HP, photo, illustration, design, pattern drafting, sewing, sales, finance, meeting, rely on one. From his childhood, art, sewing, stitches, music, art and literature specialist and then grew up and to get France Chanel-style suits, English-style dress, casual dress Japan Japanese dressmaking, specializes.
There are classy costumes not feeling my age in a dressy, feminine design.
Original accessories, illustration, photography, original costumes, the creative arts inspired by Western art, especially Greece and Rome to the origin is the Center.

Japan kimono sewing, wool and cotton, will be casual kimono.

Creator ID:14936





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Original costumes and dress up, illustrations,


(Specialized technology related)
Soai women's College home economics graduated Faculty of clothing Department of clothing design Division (sewing, stitches)
Ueda Yasuko clothing fashion creator Graduate College (sewing)
Kyo aesthetics art General art school graduate (art)
Graduated from the Studio TODAY (art)
First turf house painting department graduate (art)

ISIJ ice skating Federation of school (figure skating)
(Professional and technology related qualifications)
Color proficiency test level 2 (art and dressmaking)
Testing senior sewing (sewing)
MIDI proficiency level 4 (music)

ECC junior instructor qualification acquisition (English)
(Professional job winning)
Ueda Campus Sports Festival sketching Division
50th annual fashion art Carnival Excellence Awards
Kurashiki fashion frontier 97 casual clothing Division
Other (related to General Office)
Secretarial skills test pre (c)
Business document test level 3 (c)
Associate teacher certification unit master (teacher)
Business practice legal examination beginning (accounting)
Electronic accounting practice beginner (accounting)

Modern reikiseconddigre (medical)

Other Category(s)







Jp 日本語

Gb English (British)


Original dress

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