Cover Image

Kurayama Naomi

Kurayama Naomi


Is learning now, design

To create a map or DM, as well as illustration and image editing such as composition, color correction, mask, we are boilers work patterns.

Other, create cartoon and illustration we are satisfied.
Making progress [regarding]
Clients ask about your intention of the customer,
Reference materials and original image, etc. have been negotiable and while

Will be produced.

And produce an easy 2 day.
Regarding background loading and complex illustrations 1 week-2 weeks production time have gotten.

Creator ID:11274





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Standard Price

One side A4-sized color print-ready data :JPY10,000


There are no works.


0Favorited:   142cpt(4915Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Cartoon map, illustration DM design


After completing the graphic design department, In the part-time job 3 months work experience degree, a printing company. ( has experience creating a flyer and business card creation.

Afterwards, had engaged in program caption production business.
( software is Photoshop. Map production and flip are created in Illustrator.

Want to gain experience design business
That is again design learning in distance education Generally operations and basic things are already learning.

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Jp 日本語

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