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Jp 日本語

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After graduating from College, company to work for creating simple posters, corporate-friendly document.
Also, at the same time did customer service for customers and sales.
Since student days in Europe to visit many rim and our activities in Germany.
A product design expertise is widely engaged Visual space, pictures etc. Japan Visual images photos of Europe to Germany and shops etc and also think sense different designs can be delivered either.

  • Creator ID:976
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:17year(s)
  • Area:Germany
  • Last Login:-


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Photo / ショップビジュアル image (menu, cards, leaflets etc) / event planning ( Visual three-dimensional booths, etc. )


 Education level: College
 Graduate School: 2006 March Osaka municipal design education Institute product design course graduation
Note: over the five years from the high school, studying product design. With many big companies and imprisoned in special recommendations, and a Panasonic do project collaboration.
(See below)

In 2002, a sister school in the high school Brera national art high school (Liceo Artistico Statale di Brera), visited Germany Bauhaus and the Bauhaus Weimar (former Weimar art school) in 2004 at the Institute.
«Industry-academia partnership project details»
* Panasonic Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
(Created MP3 player)
* Meiwa Packs Co., Ltd.
(Package design for rice pack)
* Yamamoto Kogaku Co., Ltd.
(Created Snow goggles)
* Nara industrial cooperation encouragement association
Renewal of the shop who is doing introduction sale of the prefectural product
* Osaka Red Cross hospital (Volunteer)

(The in atmosphere at Pediatric Art for the improvement ward)
Other test level 3
Lettering JLPT level 3

Calligraphy-stage 4
[Awards received]

ERECTA Student design competition honorable mention
[Gallery of history]

2006 Group exhibition held in Osaka Minami-Horie.
 [Language / English / other languages]
 Conversation level: business level
 France language: daily conversation level
Germany language: daily conversation level

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