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Moe-style Illustration

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I am a Digital Artist who has been working as a freelance artist. Though self trained,recently I have taken several college courses and seminars to help keep my skills up to par. I am fond of doing anime style but can manage to cope up with different art styles. I hope you like my works.

  • Creator ID:9619
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Philippines
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


A simple cell shade chibi hihihi

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Sketch Illustration of your character in this style. Will use one or two colors to add a nice effect.

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Cute, Digital, Manga, Anima, Book, Illustration, Kawaii, Loli, Pastel, Fashion, Character, Comic


I am a student and I am a freelancer doing digital illustrations. I also have intermediate knowledge to game concept art and assets since I am have been working with some developers overseas for a big game project. I am also able to do basic animations using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash Professional CC.

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