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That one decimal

That one decimal


The wine glass with oil color paint, turn on the name of the person.
( not fall well washed with water )

World monitor up there only was one the wine will be.

Birthday celebrations, such as wedding wine glass 夫婦(めおと) ( 2 pieces in one Set ) at will.

Present day, and will enjoy.

If on characters such as the signboard character book of masthead write a written oration You can do anything.

Creator ID:9379





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Calligraphy 38 years

Masters-Katayama child crane

Various public exhibition award.

Calligraphy seminars held number.

Live performance of numerous appearances.

Such as music cafes, Barber colored forehead works supplied a large number.
Left with no dominant hand, write letters to good shall.

(Can we write characters at the same time with both hands) Solo 4 times.

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Japanese Calligraphy


Jp 日本語

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