• クリエイターを探す
  • 案件の希望を入力
  • 条件のすり合わせ
  • 見積り提出
  • 制作指示
  • お支払い
  • 納品
  • クリエイター評価



  • スペシャリストID:8671
  • 性別:非公開
  • 年齢:非公開
  • 活動年月:38年
  • 活動拠点:非公開
  • 最終ログイン:3ヶ月以内




パソコンゲームソフト「Mind Hacker」のパッケージ(トールケース)です。

パソコンゲームソフト「MAVERICK MAX」のタイトルロゴです。


  • RPG Status Screen - Evelyn

    RPG Status Screen - Evelyn

    料金:非公開 完了日:02.Sep.2016 期間:2日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo

    For this project I'd like you to a status screen for Evelyn. She specialises in dark magic, and I've attached a list of her skills below:

    1 - Dark Touch


  • RPG Status Screen - Alluna

    RPG Status Screen - Alluna

    料金:非公開 完了日:30.Aug.2016 期間:1日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo

    For this project I'd like you to produce a status screen for Alluna, in the same style of the other status screens. Alluna uses light/moon based magic now ...


  • Status Screen - Brie

    Status Screen - Brie

    料金:非公開 完了日:29.Aug.2016 期間:2日


    I was really happy with the Status Screen produced by this project, and I've since used it in my Kickstarter campaign for the game to help sell the game to my audience.



  • ステータス画面の更新 ー Max

    ステータス画面の更新 ー Max

    料金:非公開 完了日:26.Aug.2016 期間:2日


    Awhile ago you produced a status screen for Alluna for me, and I was really happy with it. However, we've rebalanced the game and added a few more characters, so she no longer has lightning powers. ht...


  • Combat Hud Sprites - 4 New Characters

    Combat Hud Sprites - 4 New Characters

    料金:非公開 完了日:24.Aug.2016 期間:1日


    I've added four new characters to the main party in Alluna and Brie, and I was wondering if you could add 4 more character portraits to match the ones you've already produced e.g. http://imgur.com/a/Y...


  • Burton's Shopping Extravaganza Logo

    Burton's Shopping Extravaganza Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:09.Aug.2016 期間:5日


    I've since used this logo in a mockup image illustrating the game, and people have been really excited by the wide range of stores there'll be in the game. I plan on using this logo in particular prominently in the final game, as Burton's Shopping Centre will be the main store in which you buy items from.


  • Soupa Noodles Logo

    Soupa Noodles Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:29.Jul.2016 期間:5日


    Hey Lightning Saburo, this is another logo design project for a fictional restaurant chain for the game I'm working on. For this logo, I'd like the logo to be for 'Soupa Noodles', which is a soup and ...


  • Hargrave Cinema Logo

    Hargrave Cinema Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:11.Jul.2016 期間:5日



  • Lungs Logo

    Lungs Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:02.Jul.2016 期間:0日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, this is another in-game logo for a fictional company that appears in the next game I'm working on.

    I ordered a chase scene animation last year from an ani...


  • Axon City Youth Centre Logo

    Axon City Youth Centre Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:11.Jun.2016 期間:1日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, I need you to make a logo for another fictional company in my game. This logo is for the Axon City Youth Centre, or ACYC. It is a gym/basketball court/swim...


  • Coffee Shrine(神社珈琲)のロゴ

    Coffee Shrine(神社珈琲)のロゴ

    料金:非公開 完了日:09.Jun.2016 期間:10日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo! In my new game I wanted to have a few logos made for each of the in-game stores and businesses, and these will be visible on the screen when you buy items ...


  • Brieのフィギュアの箱


    料金:非公開 完了日:06.May.2016 期間:3日



  • 同人サークルのロゴ作成について


    料金:非公開 完了日:2016.04.11 期間:26日



  • AllunaとBrieのポーズ・メニュー画面


    料金:非公開 完了日:25.Mar.2016 期間:8日


    After ordering the pause menu, we've been able to use this mockup concept when showing off the game at trade shows, as it gives the audience a good idea of what to expect from the game.


  • Max's Big Bust Art Prints

    Max's Big Bust Art Prints

    料金:非公開 完了日:24.Feb.2016 期間:5日


    For this project I had Lightning Saburo design a series of art prints for my game. I was really happy with the quality and because of this project I was able to sell art prints at a local trade show. I also used some of them to decorate the walls of the booth and they made my display look very professional and eye catching.


  • PC Game Poster

    PC Game Poster

    料金:非公開 完了日:18.Feb.2016 期間:3日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo. This is the last poster I have planned, I'd like you to create a poster for one of my older games, 'Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme', which I'll be selli...


  • Alluna and Brie Magical Girl Poster

    Alluna and Brie Magical Girl Poster

    料金:非公開 完了日:15.Feb.2016 期間:10日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, this is a project for the third poster I'd like you to produce.

    I'd like this poster to be of Alluna and Brie, the two main characters in the upcoming gam...


  • Alluna and Brie - Elemental Girls Poster

    Alluna and Brie - Elemental Girls Poster

    料金:非公開 完了日:05.Feb.2016 期間:8日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, I've got another poster I'd like you to produce. I'd like this one to be similar in style to the previous one which I really liked, except this one feature...


  • Max's Big Bust - 警察ポスター

    Max's Big Bust - 警察ポスター

    料金:非公開 完了日:27.Jan.2016 期間:7日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo!

    I'm going to a tradeshow here in Australia called SupaNova in April where I'm hoping to sell assorted art prints and the boxed copies of the game you alre...


  • Updated Alluna and Brie Logo

    Updated Alluna and Brie Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:19.Jan.2016 期間:10日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo.

    We've decided to change the title of 'Alluna and Brie' to 'Alluna and Brie and the Tentacle Menace' , as the game is focused around the magical girls figh...


  • Box Art for Max's Big Bust

    Box Art for Max's Big Bust

    料金:非公開 完了日:08.Jan.2016 期間:11日


    For this project I had a DVD Jacket insert designed, and because of this I was able to sell my game at a local trade show. People were very interested in the design of the box-art which lead to a direct rise in sales, which wouldn't have been possible without Skillots.


  • 魔法少女RPGのHUD(キャラクターのポートレイト)


    料金:非公開 完了日:27.Dec.2015 期間:10日


    For this project I had a heads up display created for an RPG I'm working on, and because I ordered this project I'm now able to create better looking mockup screenshots to illustrate the concept of the game to other team members while also allowing me to begin programming the game. The HUD I ordered was much better than anything I could have produced myself.


  • PCゲームの箱用の画像


    料金:非公開 完了日:17.Dec.2015 期間:12日



  • Steam Trading Card BadgesとEmoticons

    Steam Trading Card BadgesとEmoticons

    料金:非公開 完了日:05.Dec.2015 期間:13日



  • Logo for a Webcomic

    Logo for a Webcomic

    料金:非公開 完了日:25.Nov.2015 期間:15日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, this is a logo I'd like you to create for a webcomic I'm working on with a friend. The title of the comic is 'Holmwood Academy' , and it's a romantic come...


  • Logo for a Magical Girl RPG

    Logo for a Magical Girl RPG

    料金:非公開 完了日:21.Nov.2015 期間:11日



  • Heart Beatsのようなゲーム内携帯アプリ

    Heart Beatsのようなゲーム内携帯アプリ

    料金:非公開 完了日:10.Nov.2015 期間:17日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo, it's been awhile! I need to have a phone app made for my game and you're the perfect person for the job because you did such a job on the last set.



  • Character Bios

    Character Bios

    料金:非公開 完了日:24.Jun.2015 期間:4日



  • In-Game Mobile Phone App for Visual Novel

    In-Game Mobile Phone App for Visual Novel

    料金:非公開 完了日:19.Jun.2015 期間:7日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo. I need you to create a mockup for an 'app' which appears in Max's Big Bust. The phone will be interactive and used at certain points during the game, and t...


  • Window Icon and Game Icon for Max's Big Bust

    Window Icon and Game Icon for Max's Big Bust

    料金:非公開 完了日:04.Jun.2015 期間:8日


    [Purpose of this job]

    I need two different icons for Max's Big Bust. The first is a window icon that will appear on the windows toolbar, and the second is the icon for the game .exe file.

    The window...


  • Menu Buttons for a Visual Novel Title Screen

    Menu Buttons for a Visual Novel Title Screen

    料金:非公開 完了日:27.May.2015 期間:3日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo. You mentioned on your profile that you do HUD design so I thought this might be up your alley.

    I need a few text buttons for the main menu of Max's Big Bu...


  • New Visual Novel Logo

    New Visual Novel Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:23.May.2015 期間:8日


    [Purpose of this job]

    Hey Lightning Saburo! There's been a slight problem in development, MGM Studios, the massive movie company that made Hot Tub Time Machine, have announced a movie called Cop Swap...


  • Game Company Logo

    Game Company Logo

    料金:非公開 完了日:06.Apr.2015 期間:6日



  • Logo for Visual Novel PC Game

    Logo for Visual Novel PC Game

    料金:非公開 完了日:25.Mar.2015 期間:9日


    I really like your logos on your profile and I think you could do a great job on this project.

    Cheers :)
    Lachlan Snell, Transcendent Games

    [Purpose of this job]

    I need a logo for a commercial PC ga...




