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Jp 日本語

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Nice to meet you.
"Bracken potato," and my name is.

Bishoujo anime and illustrations produced in the Center.
■ style

Please see the sample illustrations.
■ good genre
MOE system illustrations, cartoons

R18 illustrations also we produce.
■ use soft
Line drawing ComicStudio

Coloring SAI
■ manufacturing process
(A) rough (2) drawings (3) color fill (color positioning) (4) color (finish)
Basically in this flow will do.
At each stage we check, fix and while

Clients like the would like to move closer to the image.
When requesting images close to the reference materials
For more information and detail as possible

You can smooth production.
Any favorite genres other than
So I think to stay along as much as possible

If you have something, please feel free to consult. Thank you in advance!

  • Creator ID:7508
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:12year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-




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Illustrated character design illustrations for an adult

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