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Jp 日本語

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Favorite motifs, animal or person.
In the illustration to friendly lines, colors and simple composition to express.
He works in advertising and publishing magazines, books, picture books, character design, including a wide range of media. Delivery data is CG.
Painter, Photoshop

Logo design also available. From the experience worked for a printing company, knowledge of DTP, printing is high.

  • Creator ID:620
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:19year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:-




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Illustration/logo design


1997-2005 Printing company (Director, DTP)

2005-Started in Illustrator freelance
2/2006 Bartok Gallery group exhibition toys exhibition.
4/2006 PALETTE CLUB Gallery palette Club exhibition "Spring has come! '
5/2006 PATER's Shop and Gallery group exhibition file exhibition of 44 people.

6/2006 Kochi Institute of technology University 10th anniversary commemorative logo award.
-Major work
-Books Gakken ' started from what a waste!
"6-Volume picture book Fresh Hall ' and I love you!!
"(Picture books)
Shogakukan "grade 6,' (first article)
Shogakukan "edu"
Baseball Magazine Sha 'kodomo no jikan"
Ascom 'children to develop lessons, squash lessons
Company digital camera magazine (first article)
Wood Music Hall "Roxas Kids'

Know how to make a basic English sentence is the Belle publishing
-Commercial print
BIGLOBE Office service catalog
FUJI XEROX 'ArcWizShare'
Tokyu home Millcreek Christmas card 2006
Tokyo precision environmental and social report 2006
Other JCCCA "stop global warming"
Railway freight Association eco rail mark poster

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