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Via Spoleto

Via Spoleto


E.g. copy has been designed in total including as well as design.
Particular strengths include brochure, catalog or beauty of the Packager. Also, regardless of what genre is Web design going, can help you in total.

Creator ID:597





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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2Favorited:   38cpt(10549Positions /23784People)
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Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Studied design at the University of New York, graduated from, has been involved in design and directing operations after returning home. In design primarily advertising and package catalog focusing on free papers (membership magazine) and SP tools relate to various things, went to copyright and text editing work from the direction of product image or concept.
As the business paper-based work more from the selection of paper and printing methods until the processing of the final paper in total have proposed. I've been making new site design as well as using an existing site with Dreamweaver as a WEB-based work of updating and Flash. Also went to spread the ideas of the design from 1/2008 to or produced a new web site design in Paris, also DTP operation of free papers, such as conduct after returning to conduct the tag of the apparel design and fabric prints.


So you can get suggestions, including branding, please feel free to contact us. Furthermore, we use our Mac OSX.

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