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Takahashi spring

Takahashi spring


A cartoon-like illustrations with realistic illustrations, ranging from our support.
In addition, it is possible including design, graphics, table ordering for more than 10 years, desktop publishing magazines and books, so we accept all at once.
Unique living and working partners electrical formulas are in the field, as well as good. Also, caricatures and texts on the comical vignettes that offer good at.

Creator ID:4638





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Tokyo Design College cartoons of no. 5 period students * In 1969, Tokyo Design College bankruptcy after the volunteers who sync with Tokyo manga ogikubo established.
Teaching was in College in the former college lecturer to ITO Ippei, masanao Tetsuya Suyama total Mr., Tetsuo Ogawa who agreed to the establishment of various teachers invited to resume.
Open the graduation exhibition in Shinjuku Taiga Gallery 70 years the next day, and receive approval for graduation from former college lecturer and teacher.
Alumni founded the cartoon Studio HOPE ( hope ) intact, manga and illustration production activities in a group.
In 1971, HOPE dissolve after entering free activities. 1984 (Shares) joined the Tokyo アドクリエーション.
Extend the sphere of activity was in magazines and books related to advertising design industry it to
In 1986, again back to free activities. In 1991 introduced the Macintosh. Since then including the DTP, everything from expanding current production activities in digital.

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