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Moe-style Illustration

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Jp 日本語


As you read, thank you.

My name is ヒロノ.
Colored illustrations are animated paint a thick coating, real style is good.

We meet requirements if you prefer the other.
Specialty's is 10 to 20 generations of men and women. Body shape is Gari soft macho is possible from the body.
You can draw even the article it can be thick body.
Good metal quality, 静物が the article even if the machinery, such as still life, flowers, animals, monsters, creature and robot other than basically anything that can draw.

Basically 18 is prohibited is possible even slightly erotic if you're not 18.
Deadline will be a very unreasonable deadlines, as much as possible the contracted work is they are serious, have a capacity of maximum achievable at that time, making it to the motto. Client and the we will make best efforts do interact with solid, can be convinced to make, so thank you.

  • Creator ID:4182
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:14year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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MOE illustrations, illustrations of the character



And some publishers like black and white and color cut illustration number
 2011 • Certain ) ( Avalokitesvara, publishers like for contemporary Buddhist illustrations number of points

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