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Favorited:  4    520cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 8

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

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Jp 日本語

Other Category(s)


Primarily depicts the picture of a woman.
One painting to mainstream predominantly.

Especially for women is a good illustration of men's. We accept even with a low budget, so please feel free to consult.

  • Creator ID:3899
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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  • [実積可]オリジナルキャラクターの設定画とカラーイラスト


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2016.09.05 Terms: 21日

    Client: 個人(Self-Employed)

    [Purpose of creating illustrations]
    It is like a hobby to ask clients. Use is for personal appreciation.
    Processing, such as icons of social networks and PC wallpapers.
    Available now is the character ...

    [See more]

  • twitterのヘッダー


    Fee: JPY1,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.09.15 Terms: 12日

    Client: 個人

    Twitter to distribute free header (helpful, http://tmlife.net/sns/twitter-profile-header-image-setting.html). Please size in 1252px×626px or more (ratio of the next 2: vertical 1).

    [See more]

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Pop illustrations, anime illustrations, decay of illustration, digital illustration, illustrations for men, female illustrations, MoE system illustrations


Illustrations as 2013 / 9 Twitter free icons

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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